
Phishing mails stealing (Hetzner) logins

Status: Identified
Affected systems: General
Start: 2024-07-05 06:00 UTC+0 
  • Description
    There are currently phishing emails circulating in the name of Hetzner.
    You can recognise these emails by the following features:

    The email has the subject "Dringend: Verlängerung der Domain XY erforderlich, um Dienstsperrung zu vermeiden" or "Ihr Vertrag endet bald" and asks you to click a link

    The email has the fake sender "HETZNER"

    This email is not from us. Please do not click on the links it contains.
    If you have received such an e-mail, please delete it immediately.

    A link contained in the e-mail is intended to lure you to a fake login page of accounts and to spy on your login data. Please do not open these emails and do not click on any of the links they contain.

    If you have inadvertently entered your username or password on such a page, please change your password immediately here: https://accounts.hetzner.com. As we are currently receiving a very high volume of calls in this regard, please write to us at support@hetzner.com.

    We recommend that you change your password and delete the phishing email.

    In addition, you can activate 2-factor authentication (2FA) in accounts to protect your account.